Welcome to the Self-Love Club

Yesterday I returned from a great weekend getaway in Chicago.  I drove and per usual, the trip took a bit longer than I expected.  I was confronted with a lot of summer traffic and rain.

A  LOT.  

I put on a few podcasts to pass the time but defaulted to my favorite- music.  Oh, how I love music.

When you listen to hours of music, your mind begins to go places and I made some observations on this trip.

By my rough estimates,  95% of the lyrics of songs are about love and connection.  I listened to rap, hip hop, pop, rock, alternative rock, (point being I listened to many different genres) and most song have a message about love. Some were about falling in love. Some about being in love.  Others about heartbreak.  Heck, even the rap songs about having sex (not in those words) are implying some connection between two people.

All of this music reminded me that it is LOVE we seek.  Its connection.  Yes. Water, food, shelter, air are all needs- but the need for LOVE is real.

Take it from me- I love to be loved.  My husband says I am a number 2 personality so it’s in my hard wiring.  I love (most) people and work very hard to please others. I LOVE connection with others.  It’s my jam.  

But it can also be very distracting and self-defeating.  

You see, when I am in my best “place” or being the best version of “me”, I am focused on me.  What I call- staying in my lane.  I am best when I work on loving me.  

Yes, it’s true.  You really cannot love others if you don’t love who you see in the mirror.  And on some days, that is very hard.  And I KNOW I am not alone.

But what does this whole “love your self” thing really mean??  

Let me tell you, I have read books, articles, attended seminars, and sessions… and I realize its different for everyone.  Some of us have bigger hurdles to overcome when it comes to knowing and just liking ourselves.  Its a personal journey.


Self CARE leads to self LOVE.

When I am caring for myself as I should- I feel better both mentally and physically.  

I read a fantastic book three years ago that I still pull out to this day called 'The Power of No' by James Altucher (highly recommend by the way)

I have found this a handbook to getting unstuck and back to a connected place with myself by saying no to others, and things that can distract me.  But one of my favorite passages is where he offers his advice to “getting off the floor” (we have all been there figuratively and literally)

Here is what Mr. Altucher suggests:

1.    Exercise every day

2.    Eat better- good nutrition, good hydration, no alcohol

3.    Sleep 9 hours

4.    Surround yourself with people who love and support you.  Cut off others who make you feel bad

5.    Always be reading.  Always be writing.  Record 10 new ideas a day

6.    Give gratitude

7.    Learn to surrender and give up control

8.    Show up every day to the game of life

Here is what I found.


 But what works for me is focusing first on the first three.  Those allow me to get centered and in a solid place where I feel good about myself and then I gain the momentum to do the rest.  

Listen.  I have good days and bad days.  Good weeks and bad weeks.  The point is- I am like you.  It’s not always good.  But when I am focused on the foundation work of numbers 1, 2, and 3... I have really good days and weeks.

So here is my call to action.

If you need help with the first three- I have the program for you.

Shift and Shred is not a weight loss program.  It just isn’t.  Of course, I would love for you to lose a few pounds if that is your goal, but my number one goal for my clients is this:


Shift and Shred is a course in SELF CARE.  We work on food (of course) BUT this program is about shifting the way we do things- mentally and physically.  I am also excited to share that the program will now offer some guidance on workouts (suggestions and a schedule on some group exercise programs) as well as quick and efficient 20-40 min home workouts.  With the addition of the workouts, I will also coach clients on proper rest and recovery.  SHIFT AND SHRED is about getting number 1, 2, and 3 down so you can do numbers 4- 8 AND SHOW UP EVERYDAY to the game of life-loving who you are- and able to serve and love others.

Speaking of love- much love to you all who support me.  I am blessed to be doing what I love and I hope I am making your life better with the information I share.


If you are interested in joining the July Shift and Shred course, registration is now open!  The program kicks off on July 9th.   I would LOVE to have you along!!  Head over to the Shop to enroll today!


Preparing for an Abundant New Year


Welcome to Kitchen Shift