Top 8 Tips to a GREAT Holiday Season

The holidays can be a very challenging time for those working on healthier habits. The stress of the season combined with sugar, dairy, refined carbohydrates, and alcohol- it’s no wonder so many get sick around and following the holidays. But not to worry! I am here to help. You can still have fun and treat your body right!

Here are my top tips to surviving the holidays with your health in mind:

  1. HYDRATE. I forget to drink water on the weekends. Make it a priority in between your meals.

  2. MOVE YOUR BODY. One of my favorite clients asked how I walk when it gets cold. I told her we bundle up baby!! Get those hats and gloves out. This is the time we need nature the most. Get outside and get those steps!

  3. GET YOUR PROTEIN. When things get hectic- processed carbs are SO easy to grab. Have a good protein powder on hand (loving the @thornehealth one I carry at my shop) along with easy things like @barebonesbroth sticks that I can drop into hot water (even on an airplane).

  4. DON'T FORGET TO BREATHE. Using breath work to bridge from one activity to the next can really help lower cortisol and perk your brain up.

  5. BE PICKY- Be discerning with your splurges. If it’s not something that really appeals to you- pass. As an adult, you don’t have to eat anything you don’t want to- simply because there is peer pressure to do so! (this goes for alcohol too!) You do you!

  6. SAVOR THE ITEMS YOU DO LOVE- The opposite holds true for those foods you love. If you have a favorite holiday dish or dessert, enjoy it. In fact, savor it. Take your time eating it- be mindful. You will eat less and satisfy the craving until next year! I have a 3 bite rule that I share with my clients. Many times three bites of a treat is all you need to satisfy the craving- so long as you take your time and enjoy them mindfully and slowly.

  7. PLAN NON-FOOD RELATED OUTINGS- Plan outings that don’t revolve around food. Getting together with friends to do an exercise class, ice skate or walk can be much more bonding than a meal together.

  8. GET YOUR REST- When you are tired, you will likely eat more as your body looks for ways to comfort itself. Our bodies want to naturally hibernate on these dark cooler days. Work to get 7-8 hours of sleep. IF you are hungry at night- GO TO BED! :)

Thankful for you,


P.S. Don’t miss my biggest sales of the year. Offering up to 50% off of my products and services through Monday Nov. 27th at midnight.


This is YOUR LIFE. And you deserve a good one!
